
Weekend Wrap-Up 6.29.09

We had another great weekend at Casa de Dysfunction!

Friday night, we went to the Free Friday Concert again. By we, I mean me, John, all four of our kids, my friend Heather, and her 2 kids. We threw down two blankets, snacked, had a blast, and listened to Black Violin. They are awesome! We bought their CD. They did a lot of Michael Jackson tributes, which we enjoyed. Tim got their autographs on his CD. Very nice guys! All of the kids really enjoyed themselves.

Saturday, we watched my friend Heather's daughter, Savanna, while she worked. We dropped off two of our foster kittens at Petsmart, and one of them, Smudge, got adopted! Yay! The kids played on the slip & slide, and we filled the little pool that we bought for the kids. That evening, we went to a bar-b-q sponsered by Mike Peterson of the Atlanta Falcons. He put on a Family Fun Day. He paid for everything including the food. There were bounce houses, bouncy swing things, face painting, you name it, they had it. He grew up in our town and it's one way that he gives back to his community. What a great guy! I forgot my brand new camera (go ahead and say it - DUH!!) but my friend took pics. I'll have to post them later. Mike posed for pictures with us and was very friendly. It was great!

Sunday, the kids mostly played in the pool all day. John and I tackled laundry & house cleaning. Later in the evening, my friend Heather came over again, and we had dinner together and the kids played in the pool some more. Then we watched movies.

Here are some pics from the Family Fun Day. Hope y'all have a great week!


Savanna and Elayna

Savanna on that crazy swing thing, getting strapped up

Savanna in the air

Andrew in the air


Little GrumpyAngel said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! That's awesome that you get to have a weekend to make memories as a family.

I do want to ask, how do you become a foster parent for pets?

Mozi Esme said...

Looks like a crazy time! Love that face art, and all those air shots!

Anonymous said...

It looks (and sounds) like you guys had a fantastic weekend! :)

I hope you have a great week!

Crazee Juls said...

What a fun weekend. And how awesome that he gives back to his "old stomping grounds" like that. :)

Liz Mays said...

It sounds like a great weekend! Love the pic of the kids high-flyin' it!

Cyndy Bush said...

Little Grumpy Angel:
I'm so glad you asked!
What I did is found the rescue groups in my area by a google search. (ex. pet rescue groups Dallas TX) Then I emailed a few of them, asking if they needed fosters. Also, if you're interested in a specific breed, you could find them in a google search as well (ex. poodle rescue groups Dallas TX). Most likely, you will get a quick email response and they can fill you in on the details. Usually, the only thing you provide is a loving home. The group pays for food, meds, vetting, and all other needs.
If you have any other questions I'd be happy to answer them! :o)

April said...

So glad to see that you had a great time making memories!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Love fun times like that. Except doing the laundry and cleaning the house....love the face painting!

GypsiAdventure said...

Glad you guys had such a great time! :) Sounds like another amazing weekend.

Rhonda said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! Ours are usually non-stop too!

Anonymous said...

Hi there. Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for the comment. Mostly ... thank you for the prayers. I really appreciate them!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Sounds like you had a fun weekend!
Ours was filled with work, work, work.

Karen in Texas said...

I love reading about your weekends Cyndy. Sounds like another wonderful one again. I hope you're able to find a home for the last kitty too.

Aubrey said...

What a GREAT weekend! And how can you not love FREE!!!

LOL I have forgotten my camera many a time. Don't you just hate that!?!?

Jennifer said...

Looks and sounds like a really fun weekend!

Aleta said...

Cool pictures! Looks like your gave your children more memories to treasure!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

You are always so so so so so busy!! And what fun!!!

Say, I've been out of touch a few days, but I'm almost ready to bring my blog back public after MAJOR tweaking, etc. I've even changed my name to ♥Boomer♥ -- though you can still call me bfs-MIMI or ... 'friend.'

Hope you're doing great!! Love this post!

tiarastantrums said...

sounds like a great weekend - my son went on one of those bouncy things once- he didn't weigh enough to get too high up

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

DSM: What great photos of the kids on a neat ride. I hope they weren't too scared.

Mrs4444 said...

Sounds like a wonderful family weekend. You are blessed :)