* First of all, I'm Happy that I have enough Happy to create a Happy List.
* I'm Happy that Tim Tebow and Taylor Swift are a couple. I heart both of them SO HARD, always have. We have met Tim Tebow, even have pics & his autograph, which basically makes us all BFF's now. I'm sure Taylor's going to be calling me any day so we can all get together. *hairflip*
* I'm Happy that Elayna is playing softball again! It's so good for her; the physical activity, the team bonding, everything about it. I am SO not athletic. At.All. But I love that she gets out there and does her best.
* I'm Happy that Facebook exists. There are so many things that have happened in my life that would never have happened without it. Most recently, a middle school friend of my son's found us on Facebook. They were extremely close and stayed in contact for years, but they changed phone numbers eventually and lost touch. I LOVE this kid; he's another one of my adopted children. I had searched for him on FB many times, with no success, but finally he found us and I am so happy! I can't wait to see him.
* I am Happy that the girls & I are doing great on our own. Shelbie put together a shelf for the bathroom and we just figure out how to do most everything we need to do, on our own. Tim helps a lot, but we do a lot ourselves. And we try to make it fun; last night after taking the trash to the dumpster, we had a trash can race back to our house, which doesn't sound interesting but somehow ended up HILARIOUS.
* I'm Happy that I have some AMAZING people in my life. A-MAZ-ING.
* Oh yeah, one more thing....I'm Happy that you're reading this post because apparently Google Friend Connect went away which is something I'm sure I should have paid attention to, but I kind of didn't, so if you're still reading here....thanks!